Monday, 13 December 2010

Season's Greetings

The first activity we did consisted of a presentation about some of our students and our school so that the rest of the schools that take part in the project could know us better.
As it is Christmas Season, our students also designed a bunch of Christmas cards to be sent to the other schools in Europe. Along with them, we sent a pack of traditional Catalan Christmas food.

Find below some examples of our students productions:



Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Introducing Our School

Some of our students recorded a video to show our school and its facilities to our peer schools in the project. This is the result.

This is our school. Its name is Valerià Pujol i Bosch. It´s located in a beautiful village called Premià de Dalt at only 20kms from Barcelona and near the sea.

400 pupils study in our Secondary School. They are from twelve to eighteen years old. Some of them are studying what we call E.S.O , which are compulsory studies for everyone. Once they finish these four courses , they decide whether they want to go on studying Batxillerat, post-compulsory studies, in our school or they want to start some professional training somewhere else or they can end up studies and look for a job. However, some of our students can´t decide their future. They have no chances to pass the obligatory studies due to different factors. Either they are low-skilled or their social and familiar background is very poor or they come from broken homes or they are immigrates who are not fully integrated . Any of these factors can lead them to social exclusion .

This is why eight years ago we started a successful project called TERRAMAR. To combat social exclusion , we took on a different curriculum and methodology for them in order to make things easier for them when they are at school and when they are out of school..They don´t study as many subjects as other students of their school year do and they spend half time of their scholar schedule in some factories or enterprises that collaborate on our project, giving them some professional training.

The result is that most of them pass and get the certificate for compulsory education and besides, they are trained professionally. Some of them remain working in these enterprises. Therefore, we achieve working and social integration of teenagers that would probably be excluded from the working world. Unemployment is a key cause of social exclusion . So , by helping them find a job we help them to find their identity and their feeling of self-worth.

We are also proud of a different project that we have taken up this year. Some of our students in 2nd year of compulsory education have started studying Geometry in English , as part of their Maths curriculum

So, we care for diversity from end to end.

This is broadly speaking our school. You will know more about us!!!!!!