Monday, 24 October 2011

A trip to Glasgow

Working together and having fun in the first trip to Glasgow.

Irene Piqueras and other area students and teachers in Glasgow
Discussing about the projects follow-up
Students in Glasgow
Making friends
Catalan representatives in Glasgow

Monday, 3 October 2011

A visit to the Education Department Premises

Student representatives from all the schools met in the Departament d'Ensenyament in the second year of this project. Two of our school leaders, Paula Duran and Oriol Tomàs, explained our plans for a vegetable garden that we wanted to grow in our school with the collaboration of some elderly people from our community. Unfortunatelly, we didn't carry it out as the group decided to focus on something else.

Irene Piqueras was chosen to travel to Glasgow
Teachers from different schools
Every school presented their project

Our secondary school Valerià Pujol i Bosch has done two solidarity activities so far. The first one we organised was a solidarity market that took place in our gym. The whole community, teachers, janitors, secretaries and students brought things from home to sell. Parents, teachers as well as other people from the village bought things. Apart from being funny-just like a car boot sale-, we raised funds to send to Mans Unides, a Non-Governmental Organisation. We also sent some money to Save the Children, another NGO, after the Physical Education department had organised a race to raise funds. We had to look for private sponsorships and we were paid for every lap of the track.
Our project deals with creating an allotment in our school’s garden, with elderly people’s help. We want to make them collaborate in this project to make them feel useful and integrated in our society. We know it’s ambitious but we’ll try. We also want to repeat the solidarity market. The important thing is to arouse people’s consciousness and this is only the beginning.
Oriol Tomàs       Paula Duran      Irene Piqueras

Monday, 17 January 2011

Photography Competition: What can I see from my window?

In order to go further into the idea of getting to know our surroundings, a photography competition was set with the theme "What can I see from my window?" All the teachers from our school were asked to vote for their favourite pictures.
We got lots of great photos from our students. Thank you all!
Have a look at the selection below.
Hola companys!!
La Noemí i jo us volem demanar que ens feu el favor de votar la fotografia que més us agradi d’ entre les que estan exposades al vestíbul amb el títol : This is what we can see from our windows.
El projecte va sobre la lluita per l’ exclusió social i haurien de ser un reflex de la societat en la que vivim. Alguns alumnes de 1r i 2n d’ ESO han fet aquestes fotografies des de les finestres de les seves habitacions. Les tres fotografies més votades les enviarem pel projecte i els Robert Capa maresmencs tindran un regalet.
We’ re very sorry però és urgent!!!!
Només ho podeu fer dimarts i dimecres!!!
Tenim l’ urna a la sala de profes.

This picture was the winner in our school contest and
one of the twelve pics chosen for the European calendar.